Teaching in Hammersmith & Fulham

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Pay and rewards

We understand how important it is for our teaching and support staff to feel valued and appreciated in their work. We value our staff as our most important resource, and we are committed to ensuring that a variety of rewards and benefits are available. This is part of H&F’s commitment to ensuring our children and young people receive the highest quality of teaching and learning.

We strive to reward all staff fairly for their contributions and achievements to ensure the on-going success of our schools. Across the borough, we’ve embraced a variety of initiatives, which recognise the wealth of talent in our schools.

We offer a comprehensive CPD programme for teaching and non- teaching staff, providing courses relevant to the employee’s role and responsibilities to ensure all staff can fulfil their potential.

Teaching here

Rewards and benefits

  • Inner London allowance
  • Season ticket loans
  • Wider Wallet – staff benefits portal that gives employees access to a wide range of offers and discounts.
  • Civil Service Sports Club - a government funded not-for-profit club available to all employees including contract, agency and temporary staff and costs just £3.95 a month which gives you FREE access to English Heritage sites and Historic Royal Palaces, free tastecard, 50% cinema tickets, up to 50% off Legoland, Chessington etc
  • FREE Hammersmith Privilege Card or E-Privilege Card App – provides discounts in shops and restaurants within the borough
  • FREE Natural History Museum lates
  • 50% off all performances at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
  • Cycle Scheme

Continuing professional development

Your CPD is important to us. We strive to provide you with the tools you need to be the best you can be.

Our recently launched Learning Partnership, run by a group of head teachers led by the Director of Education, has been created to offer development pathways to encourage our staff to be more confident and motivated in their roles.

We have a commitment to provide professional development by providing a range of quality courses for all. We encourage collaborative working within schools across H&F. Whether you are a teaching assistant, school business manager, student teacher or a headteacher in the making, the Learning Partnership has something for everyone. H&F is committed to ‘school to school’ support through peer review, to develop the school’s capacity for self-improvement

We’re lucky to have our own professional development centre at Lilla Huset near Hammersmith tube station where much of our CPD takes place. This venue provides our staff with a friendly environment in which they can develop new skills, network and share good practice. More information about our courses can be found here www.thelillahuset.com


We understand that we cannot achieve our vision without ensuring that our staff are happy and supported. Our schools are continually looking for innovative ways to invest in the wellbeing of their staff, with the aim of enabling them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives and enjoy a good work-life balance.

H&F has great networking across schools to help staff successfully manage the challenges and demands of working in schools. Termly mindfulness courses also form part of the CPD offer.

Our schools strive to:

  • Reduce unnecessary workload
  • Invest in staff for professional development
  • Share good news stories to promote staff
  • Praise and recognise staff
  • Promote staff wellbeing as a school priority
  • Support with constructive feedback


Katie O’Leary

I am currently in my second year of teaching in an Outstanding H&F School, having completed my NQT year here last year. Having studied in Primary Education in Ireland I was apprehensive and nervous about how I would transfer my knowledge and experiences to a new curriculum in a new country. However having found a fantastic, supportive and well structured H&F school I knew I had made the right decision. My school provided excellent support and training in my NQT year, through NQT courses organised by the H&F borough. I learned new skills, and gained interests in subjects I previously had little experience in, such as computing. I have been given new responsibilities  this year, which make me feel like valued part of our school. Through CPD provided my H&F borough I have widened my skill set and have grown in confidence as a teacher. I have truly enjoyed my time as a teacher in this excellent borough.

Katie O’Leary - The Good Shepherd
Lisa Bracken

I have worked in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham for three different periods, (20 years in total) out of my 26 years of teaching. My roles have included student teacher, class teacher, subject co-ordinator and senior leader. Within my senior leadership roles, I have been seconded to three different school as Interim Deputy or senior leader. These roles have been both challenging and enormously valuable in terms of learning from experienced school leaders and working in a variety of schools.

I have enjoyed the varied roles which I have held and have benefited from the broad range of CPD opportunities on offer. I feel that my early days as an NQT were well-supported, and I was mentored effectively by the Local Authority and school personnel. I have also benefited professionally from attending the Deputy Heads’/Assistant Heads’ Development Group. Through listening to inspirational speakers at this group, I have been encouraged to study school leadership. The courses I have attended over the years have enabled me to develop my knowledge of managing and leading a school effectively, and thus advance my career to Deputy and Headteacher.

Lisa Bracken - St John's Walham Green CE Primary School
Amanda Bates

Out of my 19 years of teaching, 18 of them have been in Hammersmith and Fulham, either as a class teacher, senior leader or an Advisory teacher within the borough. The CPD opportunities that have been offered within the borough have allowed me to develop my skills, knowledge and confidence in a range of areas including new government/curriculum requirements, subject specific information and middle management with a focus on holding others to account, supporting colleagues, providing feedback, having difficult conversations and analysing data. The courses have allowed me to progress in my career from starting as an NQT, through to subject leader and then onto Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.

Amanda Bates - Sir John Lillie Primary School

I have worked in H&F schools for 10 years after also completing my NQT year in the borough. When I was an NQT, the weekly training courses were extremely useful and provided an opportunity to develop the skills & knowledge gained during my teacher training. It was an invaluable experience. It is wonderful to still meet colleagues from my NQT days who continue to work in the borough’s schools. Having worked as a core subject leader, I welcomed the supportive H&F network meetings which provided guidance and advice whilst also allowing me to share challenges and successes with my peers. I have worked closely with staff across the borough on various projects including assessment and raising standards in writing. Now, in role as phase leader, I continue to enjoy the informative CPD courses offered by the borough – providing up-to-date guidance and the opportunity to reflect, refresh and update my practice with likeminded colleagues.

David Fricker - Brackenbury Primary School

My teaching career started in South Africa in 2010. I relocated to the UK in 2015 and accepted a position at a school in H&F. The CPD sessions which H&F offer are of the highest calibre and I very quickly became familiar with the National Curriculum. I attended several courses delivered in the borough and this equipped me with the necessary tools and skills to support and challenge the learners in my class. With the support of SLT and my colleagues, I have developed as a teacher and a leader. As a maths Subject Leader, I now deliver courses to NQT`s in the borough and work in partnership with schools in H&F. The team work amongst the schools in H&F can only be described as outstanding!

Storm Martini - Kenmont Primary School

The benefit of being a teacher, with qualified teacher status, is that it is a highly portable and adaptable qualification. I took a break from education after four years as a Primary School teacher, to pursue a career in marketing. My teaching experience proved invaluable in terms of being able to communicate effectively to a range of audiences and my wider presentation skills. After 14 years out of the classroom, I decided to return to teaching when my children were little because is was more compatible with childcare and family life. I participated in the University of Roehampton's Return to Teaching Course and availed of every CPD opportunity that my school and Local Authority could provide, to help me catch up with the myriad changes in education during my absence. I returned to teaching reinvigorated, with a raft of transferable skills, and embraced the career development opportunities that working in education provides. I now specialise in Special Educational Needs, bringing to my role as SENCO the organisational and administrative skills from my marketing days, in addition to my insight as parent. Working in Hammersmith and Fulham I am part of a supportive multi-professional network of SENCOs and specialists, which further enhances my knowledge, skills and understanding of SEN.

Antoinette McGovern - Brackenbury Primary School